Brittany found out she was pregnant in her junior year of college. She didn’t know what to do or how she would take care of herself or her baby. After many feelings of uncertainty, she decided that moving home with her family would be the best decision.
Brittany found PACN in her fifth month of pregnancy. She was able to take birthing classes, read books on pregnancy and parenting as well as attend free counseling sessions. She was all in and ready to make positive changes for herself and her baby.
By working hard, Brittany earned all of her nursery furniture (swing, car seat, high chair, stroller and crib) through PACN’s Vouch for Success program. These were items she would not have been able to afford on her own.
Years later, PACN was able to catch up with Brittany and she wrote this:
“The staff at PACN became like a second family to me. #myfreedom story is one of PACN’s influence. You were there for me during a very emotional and scary time of my life. You gave me support, knowledge, advice and love. I can never thank you enough for that.”
Brittany went back to school, graduated and currently teaches special education. Her daughter is now 17 years-old with plans of attending college out of state. Brittany has also been married for 7 years and has two other girls.
She states it best, “You were there for me when I needed a helping hand. I will always remember what you have done for us.”