Stacy’s #myfreedomstory

freedomstoryblog_stacy_250Stacy was 22 years-old when she came seeking help from PACN.  She stared at the positive pregnancy test in astonishment.  How could she do this on her own?  Will my family even accept me now that I’m pregnant?

This was a large fear for Stacy.  She loved her family and cared what they thought of her. She knew she would need guidance and someone who would be there for her every step of the way.

Stacy found this at PACN.

After her ultrasound appointment, she began meeting regularly with her client consultant. This enabled her to build a strong relationship and get valuable advice on how to share the pregnancy news with her parents.

“I felt so comfortable thanks to my consultant.  She prayed with me and I knew things would be ok,” Stacy stated.

Taking advantage of the educational and material opportunities PACN offers, Stacy was a regular at turning in homework and collecting Vouch for Success points.  She saw the value in learning all she could about how to become the best person and mommy she could be to her coming baby girl.

And if that’s not all, Stacy decided to give back to PACN by donating things she no longer needed.  These donations helped stock the shelves of the PACN Thrift Store.

“It’s only right I give back to the one place that has been a god-send to my life.  My family has accepted my baby girl and worries of being a single mom have been easier because of the resources and advice PACN offered.”

Stacy’s #myfreedomstory is one of encouragement. Through seeking guidance and utilizing educational opportunities at PACN, she was able to find the tools she needed to be fully equipped.