Dear Friend of PACN:

Today we give thanks to God for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.

States will now have the power to make their own laws regarding abortion rights. In Texas, this ruling now “triggers” a law (HB 1280) that makes performing an abortion illegal at any point of a woman’s pregnancy.

Exceptions will only be made for women facing death or a “substantial impairment of bodily function if an abortion is not performed.” Doctors who illegally perform abortions will be subject to penalties ranging from $100,000 fines to life in prison. The law will go into effect within 30 days.

The Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court ruling was rendered in a Dallas, Texas court in 1973. It is appropriate that Texas be among the states taking the lead in correcting this 50-year-long atrocity. We cry out for mercy and forgiveness on behalf of the nation for the 60 million innocent lives that have already been destroyed.

While we celebrate this significant turning point in our efforts to make abortion unthinkable in this nation, we recognize this decision does not end abortion. With the availability of the abortion pill, it only changes where and how the war is waged.

In the coming months we expect an increase in clients coming to PACN to sort through what the new laws mean for them before deciding whether to travel out of state for an abortion.

That is why PACN’s mission will not change. We are more committed than ever to demonstrate the compassionate love of Christ to those seeking guidance for their unplanned pregnancies. We will continue to be a place of hope, truth, and safety, sharing with them:

  • The truth about the miracle of the life within,
  • The virtue of adoption, and
  • The power of parenting

We will continue to share the truth of the Gospel and watch Jesus transform lives.

We will continue to meet medical, emotional, and material needs for those choosing life for their unborn babies.

We will provide Abortion Pill Reversal for women who take the pill and immediately regret their decision and desire to save their pregnancy.

We will continue to offer and facilitate post abortion healing based on the redemptive work of Jesus on the Cross.

We will continue to depend on the Lord in prayer and seek His wisdom for what is needed in this new season.

In the coming months, those who are pro-abortion will certainly intensify their efforts to keep abortion legal for any reason, at any stage of development. Many in that movement will direct their anger against Christians, churches, pregnancy centers and other life affirming agencies who fight to protect the most innocent tiny humans in the womb.

We know God has a sovereign plan, so we do not fear nor shrink backWe pray.

Please join us in prayer:

  • For God to change the hearts of those who celebrate abortion and who fabricate a narrative that creates anxiety and chaos in the lives of pregnant women and couples who are desperately seeking answers.
  • For God to protect PACN and all life affirming organizations who humbly serve the most broken and vulnerable in our community, speaking the truth about LIFE and about Jesus.
  • For our wisdom to be multiplied as we press into the battle at this critical moment, boldly standing on the truth that all human life, from conception to natural death, is made in God’s image, and is worthy to be protected and nurtured.

If you have questions about this court decision or about PACN, please contact us at 936-441-7755 or send email to If you want to join us in this fight:

  • Stay informed. A great way to do this is to attend PACN’s upcoming gala on August 12, 2022, featuring keynote Shawn Carney, Founder of 40 Days for Life. We believe there is no one better suited than Shawn to educate us all on navigating the post-Roe environment in the most effective and God-honoring way:
  • Sign up for our July 16th or August 20 orientation to learn how to become a volunteer:
  • We need male volunteers. Besides being mentors to our young dads your very presence acts as added security onsite.
  • Support PACN financially, you can do so here:


We give glory and honor to the God who redeems and saves. May He redeem this nation for His Name’s sake and His glory.



Bonnie Thompson, Executive Director